DevOps- all you need to know before starting

Almost every IT Professionals were familiar with the term "Developer" from the very beginning of their career and very few were there who were aware of the word "DevOps".Now coming to students, if you take my example when I was a student around 1.5 years back I never heard the word "DevOps" and I don't blame myself for that as culture is different in colleges as you all know.

Now before starting to learn DevOps, there are a few points we need to know about DevOps.

What is DevOps?
The word "DevOps" was created from two words, "Development" and "Operations". So, as the name suggests DevOps is a collection of Development and Operations teams and DevOps Engineers bridges the gap between both teams. If you go by the book and the definition of DevOps might look like this "DevOps is a software development methodology that aims to improve the collaboration and efficiency of developers and operations teams."
How DevOps Engineers bridge the gap?
DevOps Engineers make use of automation and automation tools like docker, ansible, terraform, Kubernetes etc to bridge the gap.
What is automation?
Automation is the heart of DevOps. It streamlines software development and deployment by eliminating manual tasks and enabling consistent, efficient workflows through the use of tools and scripts. It minimizes human effort and makes use of various tools.
What is Scaling?
It is the process of resizing the required resources based on the requirements. In simple words , take as much as you required and return when you do not require them anymore.
What is infrastructure?
It refers to the environment which is required for our applications or projects to run smoothly. We can manually provision our infrastructure or we can use IAC(Infrastructure as code) tools like Terraform to make the infrastructure ready through code. We will check on this more in later blogs.
Why DevOps is important?
DevOps is the new big thing in software development as it minimizes human error, maximizes efficiency,improves the stability and agility of the system, improves the speed of the software development life cycle, it helps to detect and resolve issues faster etc. These were the few main purposes to use DevOps Culture.

Now if I have to conclude this article I would like to tell you that DevOps brought revolution to the software development industry. We can automate our tasks, we can make use of tools to reduce human efforts and errors, and we can speed up the software development life cycle by finding and solving errors in code faster. One more thing I would add is the Linux Operating system which is a must in DevOps.